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发表于 2022-6-6 03:28
本帖最后由 JOSEPH0721 于 2022-6-6 03:46 编辑
本公司从事中老铁路运输行业,需要在万象塔纳楞陆港设置团队,负责处理铁路货物进出老挝。要求应聘者为大学毕业生,可以使用英语作为工作语言,能够读写汉语则优先考虑。公司提供良好的工作生活环境。薪资根据语言熟练程度以及工作业绩衡量,希望有志之士积极应聘。简历请投以下邮箱 joseph.szx@live.cn 本招聘广告到2022年6月20号截止。
We are a railway logistics company regerstered in Laos. We need to set up a new team at Thanaleng Dry Port at Vientaine for rail cargo traffic coming in and going out of Laos. Candidates must be able to work in English and a reasonabe command of Chinese will be a plus. The company provides good benefits for candidates and salary shall be determined by language efficiency and work performance to be discussed with applicants. We sincerely welcome those who would like to join us and your CV is expected to be sent the the following email box at joseph.szx@live.cn。This recruitment shall be terminated on June 20th 2022.
Thank you for your kind attention
Joseph at Vientaine City Laos.